
Leveson Inquiry results largely ignored by a weary UK

Has Rebekah Brooks carried the can in the wake of the Leveson Inquiry?

If we needed any further proof that the UK has lost interest in the corrupt ravings of its mainstream media and politicians, the fact that more people were bothered about the Mayan Apocalypse than the Leveson Inquiry results simply serves to rubber stamp the notion.

The harrowing cases of reporters hacking celebrities and victims of horrific crimes' mobiles to get the scoop before the competition may have shocked us by its extent, for sure. But as for the idea that we were perhaps ignorant of underhand practices didn't come as news to any of us.


Leveson Inquiry interest peaked with Cameron/Brooks texts

True, the case did hit the headlines when it was thought David Cameron may have been a little closer to Rupert Muroch's right-hand man Rebekah Brooks. However, this media interest was purely down to the sniff of an illicit affair or separate political scandal on the wind.

Combine either of those factors with yet another opportunity to boost exposure to a self-serving media brand or publication and therein lies the interest, not in the Leveson Inquiry itself. Similarly, the post-Inquiry coverage of Brooks' full criminal trial next September, investigating her part in the phone-hacking scandal, will no doubt attract a media storm then.

A poll of almost 2,500 people conclusively revealed that nigh on three quarters (74%) couldn't give a flying feck about the outcome of the Leveson Inquiry. Rather, we are all looking forward to the Mayan end of the world on the 21.12.12 too much to be concerned with more cover-ups, so long have we been used to the media being in bed with Westminster.

Public inquiries are a waste of taxpayers' money

The British populace is unanimously convinced that if some juicy detail even looked liked surfacing during the 17-month long Leveson Inquiry into Press Standards it would have been snuffed out before anyone of political standing had been incriminated.

Similarly, prosecutions against police for deaths in custody or caused by their actions whilst on duty prove that public inquiries and prosecutions against the state are a complete and unmitigated waste of the taxpayers' money.  When only one trial in over 300 has led to a conviction (in 1969), what's the point?  There are much more pressing issues our money could assuage right now.

For sure. it's great that the UK has met its foreign aid budget. But who, in the UK, could give a monkey's uncle about the welfare of third world countries when our own social eco-system is on the brink of collapse?

Millions of people will spend this Christmas in poverty and, with the bill of the Leveson Inquiry standing at almost £4M as at the end of June, I'm sure we could all think of many better ways our contributions could be spent.

Have your say: was the Leveson Inquiry a waste of money? What would you rather see the £4M be spent on?

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