
iPotty new tool that teaches your toddlers to go - erm, seriously...

There are, without question, some grave concerns about how much information technology our toddlers are being exposed to.  The iPotty has just about underlined our fascination with getting kids to log on and, well, log out at the same time, all the time.

[caption id="attachment_32398" align="aligncenter" width="646"]iPotty - log on and log out at the same time iPotty - log on and log out at the same time[/caption]

God bless America. Not only have Apple given us toilet-training apps, but now we have the iPotty that holds an iPad as toddlers get to grips with going.

And they say us Brits are the world's worst for toilet humour, but this invention is just taking the piss.

Oh, so you think that's bog awful, do you? Just take a look at this little selection of the 300+ comments this thread posted by Mike Elgan has picked up in the Google+ stream - they run rings around my crack:

Rick Wolff posed the question:
Do you need an I Pee address?

Stig-Ørjan Smelror came up with two crackers - politically correct brigade, look away now:
I guess they can play Angry Turds on it, too...

And there's lot's more toilet humour where that came from.  But of course, with every article of note on Google+, there are the 'those against' arguments.

That's those who totally ignore the 'don't take yourself too seriously' clause in the Google+ guidelines.  This post about the iPotty is, unsurprisingly, no different.

iPotty has its fans and foes

Andy Bisby was a tad more philosophical:
Hopefully this isn't going to create some sort of Pavlov's Dog conditioning. Are we going to create a generation of people who become constipated when their iPad's don't work. Or a generation of people who mess themselves whenever they touch an iPad?

A point with which I totally concurred; the effects of overuse of the iPotty could have lasting damage on joints as well as psyche:
I'm with Andy Bisby - let's hope this fascination doesn't lead to a repetitive strain injury too early in our toddlers' lives...

I think that one went over everyone's head.  Next, Ben Kuhl offers advice that we could all do with harkening, especially if taking the iPood to the bathroom is as unsanitary as some suggest:
It's important as parents we teach our kids to disconnect from technology sometimes.... if you can't d/c in the bathroom, where else would you?

I'm sure Ben's "d/c" is an abbreviation for disconnect, not dump/crap.  But with the reaction the iPotty has received on Google+, little would surprise me.

Unbelievably, there are already toilet training apps available in the iStore.  What's more, according to CNET's original iPotty article from which Mike gleans his information, this contraption is gaining serious credence at the CES 2013.

It comes with

  • a plastic sheet to protect the iPad from any lingering fingertip germs

  • an extra splash guard for little boys

  • and the iPotty comes apart completely for cleaning

I have to say, even without the plumbing, this idea is clean round the bend, even for the US market.  If you've not got a hold of your latest iPad yet, there's a link to all Tablets on Amazon.co.uk through the image, below:

Have your say:

  • Is the iPotty a completely potty idea that ought to be canned?

  • Or is there mileage in teaching your kid to crap using an app?

1 comment:

  1. 'Repetitive strain' injury - classic.
    I'm sure that's what you a-loo-did to. lol.


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