
A quickie, if you please

Whilst I shall do everything I can to keep the pages of this blog free from smut, I cannot guarantee it.  For the first time I have found a medium that not only allows me to be myself through my blogging content but actively encourages it,

The sole intention of this blog is to bring snippets of the best content from fecktv.com's England page, which will be launching w/c 26th November, 2012, to a specific location.  This is a market test of my own capabilities as a blogger, as that's what I purport to be as well being a lead magnet for the fecktv.com England page, proper.

There are keywords I want to test as well as content marketing applications - I mean through content itself and not widgets, adverts or any other third party tricks of the trade.  Yes, there will be outbound links and hopefully many incoming ones, too.

On the fecktv.com site, there are the seven categories for the news articles as well as events and recommendations.  The seven categories are as follows:

  • Tech

  • Sport

  • Music

  • Lifestyle

  • Business

  • Current Affairs

  • Entertainment

On this blog, I hope to bring a more travel-related focus than would commonly be associated with the above topics, certainly as they appear on fecktv.com/england.

Moving on one step from that, my guess is that Google's new refined algorithm, by concentrating the snippets from the main fecktv.com articles I publish into subject-related but more travel-focused content and context, will read and appraise the snippet here and the article on site quite differently.

The other side to all this is that I want to prove to myself and others that content is still the best way of driving traffic to an offer.  Yes, social media does have a part to play and many have written off Google as sole-source for traffic.  In my opinion, that's only because they have tried to beat Google at its own game.

With what Google is trying to achieve combined with a superior insight into their best practises and knowledge of the English (UK) language, I want to prove that blogging still works.  Zebedeerox.com will still be the source for your content marketing know-how.  There will, however, be many opportunities arise via The Flying Feck.

And, yes, I shall pay for the upgrade to go .com if all goes well as I think it may.  So that's me for tonight.  I'll start snippeting away, definitely through the use of Scoop.It or BagTheWeb.  Yet to put the latter to the test but with its branching capabilities I see real mileage in test-running it here.

Until tomorrow, then, adios,

Yours forever, Zebedeerox.



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