
777 tour gets naked as pop princess Rihanna snubs reporters

Originally published on FeckTV.com November 2012...

RiRi's taken to ignoring her knockers

Tonight marks the end of RiRi's whistlestop 777 tour of the world after a cozy little gig at Kentish Town's Forum last night saw the megastar perform (what will definitely be) hits from her new album, 'Unapologetic'.

The album's name fits the bill completely and has driven Rhianna's entourage to drastic measures as they chase her around the world on a specially-commissioned aeroplane.

No - the journalists aren't like in a MiG-29 following a little Cessna - they're on the same plane. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Unapologetic star, well, unapologetic

All told, there are approximately 150 fans and journalists crammed in the cheap seats, and they're becoming vociferous to say the least about RiRi's no-show when it comes to giving them a headline or two.

She's flat-out refused to take part in any interviews so far and, with only tonight's gig left, it seems that the fans and journos may have had a wasted trip.

It's not only been the reporters RiRi's pissed off on her 777 tour, either. The chartered jet has so far racked up an astonishing £200,000 in fines alone from not taking off when it was supposed to.

Journalists, being an unsavoury crowd when they don't get their own way, have done what they do best and have started sharing their frustrations via twitter. Tweets such as 'I need a headline' and 'Occupy 777' have been flying through the stream from 30,000 feet in the air as patience wears thin.

Aussie DJ takes drastic action to entice RiRi out on 777 Tour

One Australian DJ, doing his best to look like a young Rod Hull, has tried to get Rihanna's attention in a novel fashion.

Rather than rely on the staple sources of social media, the young Aussie has become an overnight star on YouTube. Totally peeved at not getting his shot at interviewing the star, he abandoned the harmonica he'd been coercing his fellow passengers with to perform parodies of RiRi's songs and streaked the length of the plane stark naked.

Whilst the rest of the world were watching last night's event live-streamed across the globe, they were also tuning in to the naked DJ's downloaded video taken as the jet headed back to London following RiRi's Berlin gig the night before.

So, watch out New York! RiRi and her 777 Tour entourage are en route for tonight's gig, naked DJ's, frustrated journos and angry fans, to boot.  You have been warned!


  • If you were on a plane with Rihanna would you get naked to call her out?

  • Or has she just gone a little too Diva-like for her own good?

1 comment:

  1. [...] what she must also bear in mind is that, without the media she has so royally pissed off this week, a lack of airplay and/or exposure will scupper chances of repeating this level of [...]


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