With welfare reform and the impending mandation of Universal Jobmatch, he must have 'the most hated man in Britain' set as some masochistic personal goal.
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There have been many arguments raised about the severity of next year's welfare reform, conceived by Iain Duncan-Smith, that will gradually roll out throughout 2013.
From the promise of adult carers not being affected being broken to transfer of rent responsibilities to council tenants, there are many opponents waiting for IDS's plan to fail.
But be warned! Until you see what's in store for the unemployed, now being forced to use the Universal Jobmatch site, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
The mandatory uploading of CVs to a universal job site imposed by Iain Duncan-Smith raises cause for concern greater than any of his anti-welfare claimant policies to date.
In order to maintain receipt of Jobseeker's Allowance, the unemployed will be forced to upload their information onto the Universal Jobmatch site as of early next year.
The Universal Jobmatch site already hacked countless times
Only last month, passwords, passport information and N.I. numbers were swiped from the Universal Jobmatch site. In response to the Channel 4 News report, DWP staff added that the necessary security update was an "ongoing process".
The Universal Jobmatch site has been created by Monster at a cost of £16.7M. Whilst Iain Duncan-Smith expects the site to "revolutionise" job search, he wants to be careful it's not a monster that starts a revolution, full stop.
CVs of 700,000 unemployed at mercy of all and sundry
A DWP spokesperson has already gone on record as stating:
Nearly 700,000 jobseekers have already registered to use [Universal Jobmatch]...the feedback we've had so far from jobseekers is incredibly positive."
That, however, is a load of bollocks and very much contrary to information received by The Independent.
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Unemployed people have already volunteered information about Job Centre staff forcing unemployed people to use Universal Jobmatch otherwise risk losing benefit.
And make no mistake, the payment of benefit will be at the discretion of Job Centre staff.
One lady, Melissa, from London, was made to feel 'sick' by two advisors who'd already decided one claimant was going to lose benefit for not signing up to the Universal Jobmatch site.
Bearing in mind that mandation doesn't come into effect until next year, you can already see a precedent in thousands of little Hitlers in entrusted positions.
Regardless of all of the above negativity, there are two even greater very real concerns that override all of the political shenanigans:
- The Government will have access to even more data about the unemployed than is good for privacy laws, so "Fuck your recommendations, yet again, Lord Leveson" is the message
- And those claiming Jobseeker's Allowance will be at the mercy of hackers, fraudsters and the aforementioned Nazi Job Centre staff.
I just hope that Cameron does one good thing and fucks Iain Duncan-Smith off (he's already tried, once) and that the bald-headed little Tory twat has to upload his CV to the Universal Jobmatch site.
Now that would be justice.
Have Your Say:
- Is the Universal Jobmatch site a positive move to get the unemployed back into work?
- Or is it just another ploy from another Tory Government looking to grind the working man (or non-working, in this case) further down into the dirt.
Be careful how you answer; Big Brother is watching you.
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