The article in question is from that leading light in the world of women's pornography, Cosmopolitan UK. Fair play to @Poppy839 and @MissyCaroline for favouriting the tweet.
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The star of the show from the seemingly in-depth study of female masturbation 'toys' is the Studio Collection Lipstick Vibe. There are another six products that make up 'The Collection' from female sex toy manufacturer, Sh! if the lipstick doesn't float your (little man in a) boat.
The girls at Cosmo UK admit to "having problems picking [their] favourite". With the range encompassing everything from Clit-Stimulating Vibrating Eggs to a balm that sensitises the labia, you can perhaps understand why.
There's more female masturbation going on than we guys know
What's special about the Studio Collection is that all of these James Bond-esque female masturbation toys are disguised as make up. That's right. If you're putting this particular lipstick somewhere between your nose and chin, ladies, you might want to re-read the instructions.
The necessity for creating a range of female masturbation toys in the shape of compacts, mascaras and lipsticks is simple. It seems, gents, that it's not uncommon for women to carry around clitoral stimulation toys in their handbags.
Did you know that? We all know that women's handbags are a bit like a TARDIS. But I wonder what Dr Who would make of the Vibrating Mascara Wand replacing his Sonic Screwdriver. Or perhaps they are one and the same.
Female sex toys are popular entwanklements found in handbags
It's accepted (apparently) that women do carry female sex 'toys' around with them. However, it's still taboo to some extent to show them off in public. As the article states, women can carry these 'easy to clean' entwanklements around "without worrying about any embarrassing open-handbag moments."
Given that there are very few equivalent female masturbation toys for men, I wonder what the reaction would be if we walked into the office with a copy of Playboy rolled up inside The Times? Surely it's one and the same thing. Pretty much like the Sonic Screwdriver and Vibrating Mascara.
Here's your chance to come across as enlightened this Christmas, gents. Nip along to Boots and buy some Durex Play O. Extract said product and replace with one, some or all of the Studio Collection's female sex toys.
Then just sit back and relax as you see the face you love light up on Christmas morning. Especially when you present said Durex product after she's feverishly unwrapped her complete female masturbation set.
Have Your Say:
- Guys, would you have issues buying your lady female masturbation gear that they could carry around/use all day?
- Ladies, do you have a sex toy in your handbag now and how often do you feel moved to use it?
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